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How to read a DSM?

A DSM, or Dependency Structure Matrix, is a great way to display dependencies or interfaces between entities. A DSM is closely related to the adjacency matrix of a graph. A graph or network with nodes (entities) and edges (interfaces) is a more common and perhaps more intuitive representation of data, although a graph tends to lend itself less for the visualization and inspection of discrete data when things start to grow.

Example graph

Let's consider an example graph:

graph LR

  A --> B
  A --> C
  C --> A
  B --> D

Here you can see dependencies between four entities: A, B, C, and D.

  • A is input to B and C.
  • C provides input back to A.
  • B provides input to D.

Corresponding DSM

The corresponding DSM of this would be:

Corresponding DSM for the ABCD example.

Corresponding DSM for the ABCD example.

Matrix axis: nodes

The nodes are displayed on both axis, always in identical order (A, B, C, D) from the top-left to the bottom-right, with their rows and columns numbered from 1 onwards.

Matrix dots: edges

  • The inputs of a node, or its incoming edges are displayed in its row.
  • The outputs of a node, or its outgoing edges are therefore displayed in its column.
  • You can interpret the diagonal as the "self" of a node.
  • Any self-loops could be displayed here.
  • It is often greyed out for readability purposes.

For instance the blue dot in the first row (A) in the third column (C) corresponds to the arrow from C to A.


This is called the IR/FAD convention, or Inputs in Rows/Feedback Above Diagonal. Note how the feedback from C to A is above the diagonal if you were to interpret the nodes on the axis as the steps of a process, for example.

Sometimes the transpose matrix is used (IC/FBD), but it is far less common and we usually stick to IR/FAD whenever we can.

So for the given dependencies in the graph's description that corresponds to:

  • A is input to B and C: column 1 to row 2 and 3.
  • C provides input back to A: column 3 to row 1.
  • B provides input to D: column 2 to row 4.